East Dean and Friston
Residents’ Association
Welcome Pack for new Residents
This advice is based on issues raised by residents with the Residents’ Association over the years and is intended to help avoid friction. For further assistance please email edfresidentsassociation@gmail.com
• In the interests of safety, please adhere to the advisory 20mph speed restriction on the Downland Estate and to the statutory speed limits elsewhere in the village.
• Please ensure that your house number is clearly visible from the road. As there is no street lighting, this is especially helpful to emergency vehicles and could even save a life.
• Please keep hedges and trees to a reasonable height to avoid blocking light and views from other properties and avoid allowing vegetation to obstruct footpaths.
• Where possible, try to arrange for visitors and contractors to park on the drive or verge of the property they are visiting. Avoid damaging neighbours’ verges and obstructing access
• Try to ensure that sensor-activated external lights do not shine onto a neighbouring property and are not left on all night complying with SDNPA dark skies policy.
• Please avoid lighting bonfires before dusk. It is helpful to warn neighbours, who may wish to close windows or take in washing.
• Please pick up your dog waste and either take home or place in one of the Parish Council provided receptacles.