East Dean and Friston

Residents’ Association

Welcome Pack for new Residents

Email | edfresidentsassociation@gmail.com

Disposal of Waste

Household Waste

•    Wealden District Council provides each household with a black bin which is collected once a fortnight.

•    Wealden will collect larger items for a fee.

•    Items can be taken to local recycling sites at Seaford and Eastbourne.

Recycled Waste

•    Wealden District Council provides a green bin for recycled items.  This is collected once a fortnight.

Green Waste

•    Wealden District Council provides a brown bin for garden waste.  These are collected once a fortnight on payment of an annual subscription to WDC.

•    www.wealden.gov.uk/recycling-and-waste

•    www.eastsussex.gov.uk/environment/rubbishandrecycling/recyclingsites

Composting is an excellent way to recycle green waste.  Bins are generally available in garden suppliers.  Garden compost bins, wormeries, kitchen (bokashi) composter and water butts are available to purchase at a discount from WDC.

See websites below for information re purchase and usage: -

•    www.eastsussex.gov.uk/environment/rubbishandrecycling/whatyoucando/composting



•    For environmental and social reasons, bonfires are not encouraged, please use local recycling facilities.  If a bonfire is necessary, please make sure it is after dusk.

•   www.gov.uk/garden-bonfires-rules

•    https://www.wealden.gov.uk/environment-and-pollution/pollution/supporting-neighbourhoods/residential-bonfires/