Welcome to Eastbourne Downlands Computer Users Club




 To promote and encourage a personal interest in computing, information technology at all levels.  

 To provide, as far as possible, free instruction and support for members.

 To run regular meetings normally in Eastbourne Old Town Community Library.


 Residents of Eastbourne and surrounding areas.

 Full Membership shall entitle attendance at Club meetings (which includes refreshments) and a vote at  the Club AGM and any SGM.

 iii) The level of Payment by Visitors for meetings, the Members’  Subscription, the cos

 Club CDs  and other special club  benefits to be decided by the committee and ratified at the AGM.

 iv  Voluntary donations of money or equipment may be made by any member.


 Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Joint Secretary, Hon.Treasurer and no more than three other members.

 The Committee to be elected at the AGM, and hold office for one year.

 During their term of office, the committee shall be able to co-opt to replace any committee member  whose position is vacant.A committee quorum to be three committee members one of whom must be  an Officer of the Club.

 A Hall Trustee representative for the club shall be agreed by the committee

vi. Committee Members and Officers shall be nominated by a  Proposer and Seconderand elected at the AGM. The successful nominee(s) may serve in that particular capacity for a maximum of three years without further nomination but shall require to  be re-elected each of the remaining two years

vi.The Committee may set up a Sub Committee at any time as the need arises and specify  its terms and powers


 To be held in April or May or June of each year

 A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at the request of eight members, for which at least two  weeks’ notice must be given to all members

 Rules can only be changed at an AGM or SGM


 The financial objectives of the club are to be self-supporting, and raise sufficient funds to acquire and  replace hardware and software

 A bank account will be held in the name of the club

 Cheques, or Mandate for Withdrawal must be signed by two signatories and authorised by the bank

 Accounts will be prepared each financial year ending March 31st and presented to the AGM.

   v.  Should the Club be forced into liquidation all assets owned by the Club after settling  outstanding debts, shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the majority of the  current Membership present at a Special Meeting specially called for that purpose following the procedure given in 5. ii


 1. Full Members are those who those who attend regularly and pay an annual subscription.

 2. Visitors are those who choose to attend occasionally and do not pay an annual subscription but pay each time they attend.



Yearly Subscription, 11 meetings

Single membership: - £20 Joint membership (at the same address) £30

There is no further monthly sub to pay for members.

Visitors who occasionally come: £3 each time

In all cases refreshments are included.

Colin Broome   Telephone: 01323 646846

Email: cdembroome236@btinternet.com


1. Ten monthly meetings covering topics of interest, as determined by the members, for beginners as well as for the more competent computer/smartphone/tablet users.

2. The annual subscription covers all meetings - no monthly sub.

3. Refreshments are free every month including the Christmas and Easter seasonal meetings when we have something extra.

4. All members, whether or not they attend, receive a copy of all presentations, notices, the web address of the interesting websites, computer tips and free applications from each meeting, - no more missed topics and information!

5. Free to members- computer related items that are occasionally donated to the club.

6. An opportunity during the refreshment break to raise computer related queries with the club’s professional expert and again with members during group discussion time.

7. Available for members to borrow:- A4 inkjet printer; a4 scanner that can scan slides, negatives and prints; projector stand and slide projector, slide viewer; portable screen etc.

8. Also free to borrow:- any item from a list of computer ‘workshops’ and‘how to do it’ instructions that take 15 minutes to an hour to follow step by step on your computer/laptop/smartphone or tablet. Some easy, others more involved.

9. You will be informed by email of any security alert you should be aware of between meetings and what to do about it.

10. You will receive practical help and advice from various other members.

The Club now covers both the Eastbourne area and the Downland communities to the west, and East Dean & Friston in particular.  It is open to anyone with an interest in computers, or with a need to learn - at whatever level.  Meetings are held on the first TUESDAY of each month (except August) at 7.30pm in the Old Town Library, 191 Victoria Drive, Eastbourne (opposite the end of Eldon Road)

So if you have a desktop, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone, there will be  something of interest for you.  Nearly every session will consist of a presentation/discussion aimed at beginners followed by a presentation/discussion on the same topic but at slightly greater depth.

The Club also offers members an opportunity to meet and talk to other people who have similar interests or needs.