East Dean and Friston
East Dean Downland (Roads)Ltd
We are a private limited company, set up in March 1984, with the prime objective of looking
after the roads on the Downlands Estate. These responsibilities were taken over from
previous owners (now defunct), and this was followed by the transfer of appropriate
covenants and enforcement rights to EDDR.
There are two directors - Robert Corbett (Chair) and Stewart Fuller (Secretary), and they are
supported by an Administrator - Rowland Hoar. The EDDR email address is
We prepare a budget each year for the maintenance of the roads, repairs to potholes and the
clearance of gullies. At the AGMs, shareholders determine the annual fee needed from
households to meet the planned works; we then deal with contractors to meet the maintenance
programme. The total fee needed for 2024 is £110 per household.
Householders on the Downlands Estate are encouraged to become shareholders in EDDR.
Requests to become members, and for a share certificate, should be sent to Rowland at the
email address above. Shareholders who have fully paid current and past annual fees are
entitled to vote at the AGM.
Thank you.
Stewart Fuller
Company Secretary