East Dean and Friston

Gardening Club


As amended at the  AGM held     9th Ma y 2023

1. The NAME of the Club will be the “East Dean and Friston Gardening Club" (hereinafter called the "Club").

2. The OBJECT of the Club will be to  promote the good cultivation of gardens by organizing 

lectures, discussions, demonstrations and visits.

3. MEMBERSHIP of the Club will be open     residents local to East Dean and Friston.

4.  The business of the Club will be conducted by a COMMITTEE consisting of  four Officers  --

Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary,     Membership    Secretary     – and other elected  Ordinary 

Members . The Committee may create other  Officers as deemed necessary.

5. ELECTION of     the Committee will proceed as follows:

    (a) Every  January , nominations will be invited from the Club membership for each Officer 

    and Ordinary Member post. Nominations must specify for each candidate the post in 

    which he or she is willing to serve.

   b) If more  than one candidate is nominated for any one post a ballot will be held for that 

   post before the next Annual General Meeting and the result will be reported to that 


   ( c) Where only one candidate for a post is nominated election will take place by show of 

   hands at the Annual General Meeting.

   (d) The elected Committee members will hold office until the next Annual General 

   Meeting. They will then retire, but be eligible for re -election.

6. A QUORUM for a COMMITTEE MEETING will consist of 5 Committee members. In   the event of equality of votes the Chairman of any meeting will have a second or casting vote.

7. The Committee will have the power to fill, by co -option if necessary, any VACANCIES that may arise during the year.

8. An ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Club  will be held in  March every year; the agenda will include:

   (a) A REPORT by the  CHAIRMAN    on the work of the Club during the preceding year and 

   on plans for the future    .

   (b) A FINANCIAL STATEMENT and BALANCE SHEET prepared as at the last day of 

   December    in each year and signed by    the  INDEPENDENT EXAMINER    .

  (c) ELECTION of a COMMITTEE (see Rule 5)    .

   (d) APPOINTMENT of an    INDEPENDENT EXAMINER , who must not be a member of 

the  Committee    .


9. The Committee may convene an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Club at 

any time. Such a meeting must be convened within four weeks if a written request, signed by 

at least ten members, is     presented    to the Committee. A written notice of the meeting must be sent to all members at least seven days in advance setting forth the time: place and purpose of the meeting. Only business defined in the notice will be transacted.

10. In the ABSENCE of the CHAIRMAN at any General Meeting the    chair will be taken by a 

member of the committee.

11. The ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, currently     £ 8.50 , and the VISITORS CHARGE, currently £3 per person per meeting , can be changed only at a General Meeting

12. All subscriptions and other monies   will be passed to the TREASURER    who will be 

responsible for the CLUB’S   FUNDS and for keeping  ACCOUNTS  thereof.     T he Club’s 

FINANCIAL YEAR shall run from January to December.    All sums received by the 

TREASURER    on the Club's behalf will be paid into the Club 's BANKING ACCOUNT    and all 

CHEQUES drawn on that account    must be signed by   any two authorized  Committee 

Members as set out on the current B ANK MANDATE.     The funds of the Club will be used for 

furthering the Club's objectives or in ways approved by the Committee or by a General 


13. These RULES may be AMENDED only at a General Meeting of the Club and only if notice of the proposed deletion or addition has been sent to all members not less than 21 days before the meeting.

AS/EDFGCRules    090523